How Appraisers Determine CoinPrices - What to Look For In Coin Collecting

There are many ways for a coin collector to gauge coinprices today. Coin appraisers and manuals about coinprices give you the bottom line coin price. Appraisers and experts are looking for the same conditions when they make a determination of a coins worth. Below is an overview of the factors concerning coinprices in today’s market.

Appraisers look at many factors in determining coinprices for insurance purposes. Aspects considered most frequently include: 1) condition 2) rarity 3) popularity 4) intrinsic worth and 5) a combination of the above four.

When you look into the condition of a coin and how it affects coinprices, look at similar coins. With newer coins, the condition of the coins greatly affects their coinprices. With extremely rare coins, however, condition is often not a factor at all!

Rarity impacts coinprices the most. Cents on the dollar to priceless, coinprices run the gamut. Look for coins that are moderately rare to get the best coinprices and the best return on your coin collecting investment!

Popularity has an infrequent impact on coinprices generally but when popularity is a factor it can have a significant impact. Popular newer collections and popular limited series can increase in perceived value and cause coinprices to rise artificially. If demand increases, coinprices are driven up.

Intrinsic worth is related to a coin’s material aspect and denomination value. Coinprices can be determined by whichever is higher.

The combination of condition, rarity, popularity and intrinsic worth impacts coinprices and are the basic contributing factors of coin value. These aspects together, more than any single aspect alone, determine coinprices overall.

Condition, rarity, popularity and intrinsic worth as well as the combination of conditions are what appraisers look for and what you can use to help determine coinprices. See an appraiser if you are unsure or consult a coin collector’s coinpricing manual for hard numbers on what the market is bearing. You can find out the price of your coins like the pros. Happy coin pricing!